Thursday, November 26, 2009

to the tired mind...

Lie in wake of what was, the thoughts of a day not gone. To the end, it was bittersweet, though the clear is far. The scents swinging above my head like a guillotine waiting for the switch. Clouded judgments, close calls, and hard falls; it’s still arduous letting go. Facades are a shield against inner thoughts. Imaginary lines are drawn in the sand of my mind…”what if I had crossed?” Ferociously unending…unrelenting interrogations. A high stakes hostage situation with my mind as the detainee. Held at thought-point, a power struggle of wits ensues. Head versus heart…a classically epic battle of the times. The reflections of our shoes are not what they were; fatigued in all the wrong spots as if endured by someone else. Captivated by the now that is not at all the vin-diagram perception of self from days past. The reputation precedes the corporeal existence of me. Searching for a place to rest my head in a land cognizant to few. “Your confidence is the tree you retreat behind,” echoes the weary soul to the tired mind.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

heart hemisphere

The thumps of the rain on my brim
are the outwardness of my erratic heart beat,
the sky cries for me.

The never-ending assault
from the drops of life God didn't want,
soak my shirt.

You think i don't feel the loss in my chest?
A farewell to one of my friends...
the best.

An inch-long river that feeds the mouth where their sentiment will rest
washed in the blood of all my insecurities,
my selfishness.

To what the unknown holds outstretched in hand
the promises of new and old war games,
my soul aches.

Winding the grinded streets blind...
the smell of fear is sweetened with the choking sound of music...
blocked like a plane waiting to take flight...
muffled are the screams of anguished...depreciated emotion bleeding out to no end.....

a beautiful rendition of what used to be---- heart-hemisphere