Thursday, February 7, 2008

low and under the weather, sleeping in the damp cold, doing whatever it takes to keep going. my rope is getting close to its end. the fear in the back of my mind is ever increasing: the shadow is starting to engulf my hope. i truly do not know how long i can go on like this. if there ever was a time for a miracle, or a savior, it's now. i pray in my head to someone i hope hears me, but i feel like i'm just talking to myself. something's gotta give soon or i'll have to hang it up. I don't want them to be right all along....


Je Dois said...

lIstening to this right now and thought it might help:

Hang on
When all is shattered
When all your hope is gone
Who knows
How long
There is a twilight
A nighttime and a dawn


C said...

poor sunshine. What's wrong?

toolivemike said...

the music business is a bitch!